The Bangkok Gym in Lumpini Park…

In 1979 a group of like-minded people came together and began what is now fondly referred to as The Bangkok Gym.



Nothing more than rusting weights and simple cardio machines under a few pieces of tarpaulin stretched between trees, this open air gym is incredible.  And the views across the park and the lake provide motivation enough to push that bit harder…



We visited a few times and were warmly greeted by the regulars who served us green tea from an enormous teapot.  Working out alongside these friendly locals was the nearest we came to feeling a part of the Bangkok community.



You really must try this place if you’re a gym monkey…and if you’re not, try jogging around the park with the locals, early morning or evening.  You could even join them afterwards in the outdoor version of a shopping mall food court!



Nothing beats exercising outdoors, especially in such warm surroundings – that’s the weather and the people!

catandgary 🙂